Launch GraphOS Studio


In , a launch represents the complete process of applying a set of updates to a . Launches are usually triggered by making changes to one of your published s.

Updates that trigger a launch include:

  • Adding, removing, or modifying types and s in a
  • Adding or removing entire s
  • Migrating types or s between s
  • Modifying your cloud router's configuration

A launch might consist entirely of changes that don't affect your 's public API (such as migrating s between s).

Launch status

Your 's Launches page in Apollo Studio enables you to observe and monitor the delivery process for both in-progress and past launches:

The green PUBLISHED badge indicates which launch corresponds to your 's current published .

Selecting a launch provides a breakdown of its individual steps and any errors or warnings that occurred during it:

From this detail view, you can view the timestamp and other details for each step in the launch process. You can also view the launch's associated (or any build errors if composition failed).

What's in a launch?

A GraphOS launch proceeds through the following steps:

If composition succeeds...
If composition fails,
the launch fails
You publish a subgraph
schema update to GraphOS
GraphOS performs supergraph schema
composition with latest subgraph schemas
Updated supergraph schema is
made available via Apollo Uplink
GraphOS updates Studio UI and sends
build status webhook notifications
to reflect new published schema
Your router begins using
the new published schema
Launch complete
Validating client operations
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