GraphOS Enterprise features
With an Apollo GraphOS Enterprise plan, you gain access to powerful routing, delivery, and governance features for your supergraph. This article summarizes the most notable of these features and provides links to the full documentation for each.
See the left navigation for a list of all Enterprise-specific articles from across the GraphOS documentation.
To compare GraphOS feature support across all plan types, see our pricing page.
Enterprise trial
You can sign up for a GraphOS Enterprise trial to freely test out most Enterprise features for the duration of the trial period.
Start an Enterprise trialSee details
Self-hosted routing
With GraphOS Enterprise, you can deploy your supergraph's Apollo Router instances into your own infrastructure, instead of using a GraphOS-provisioned cloud router:
These router instances connect to GraphOS to fetch their managed configuration and report fine-grained operation metrics.
This architecture helps you satisfy sophisticated requirements around data compliance and performance, and it also enables you to further customize your router's behavior with Enterprise-specific functionality (described below).
Apollo Router features
The Apollo Router supports a collection of features specific to GraphOS Enterprise organizations. These include:
- Real-time updates via GraphQL subscriptions
- Authentication of inbound requests via JSON Web Token (JWT)
- Redis-backed distributed caching of query plans and persisted queries
- Custom request handling in any language via external coprocessing
- Mitigation of potentially malicious requests via operation limits
Schema filtering with contracts
GraphOS Contracts enable you to filter your supergraph schema's types and fields according to different inclusion and exclusion rules you define:
You can then deploy a self-hosted router instance that uses one of your contract schemas. Client apps that connect to this contract router can query only the fields that are included in the contract schema:
Contracts are especially useful if you want to expose a subset of your supergraph as a public API.
Organization management
You can integrate GraphOS with your organization's identity provider (IdP) to enable single sign-on (SSO) for GraphOS Studio.
SSO configuration is available for all of the following:
Additionally, Enterprise organizations can export an audit log of material actions taken by organization members.