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GraphQL subscriptions in the Explorer

The Studio provides support for executing GraphQL subscription s using a variety of protocols (including WebSocket and HTTP). You can configure the to use whichever protocol your GraphQL endpoint requires.


To execute a GraphQL subscription in the Studio , first open the 's Connection settings to specify your subscriptions endpoint and implementation:

Subscription settings in the Explorer

Remember that the path and protocol of your subscriptions URL might differ from those of your primary endpoint.

Executing a subscription

You define a subscription in the 's panel, just as you do for a query or :

Example subscription operation in the Explorer

When you run the subscription, a Subscriptions panel appears in the bottom right that updates as new data arrives:

Subscriptions panel in the Explorer
  • The most recently received payload is displayed at the top of the panel.
  • The dot next to STATUS indicates whether the is connected to your subscriptions endpoint (green if connected, red if disconnected).
  • Click the X next to Listening to stop listening for updates. The updates you've already received remain in the panel.
  • Click the X next to Subscriptions to close the panel entirely.

Troubleshooting connection issues

If you can't connect to your subscriptions endpoint, double-check all of the following in the 's Connection settings:

  • The protocol of your endpoint URL (ws/wss for WebSocket, http/https for HTTP)
  • The path of your endpoint URL
  • Your selected subscriptions implementation (see Setup)
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Connecting and authenticating
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