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Cloud routing for supergraphs

In GraphOS

Cloud supergraphs are available to organizations with new Apollo Serverless plans. They are not available to organizations with an Enterprise plan or a legacy Free or Team plan.

See details about plans.

When you create a cloud supergraph with Apollo Studio, automatically provisions and manages a router that sits in front of your GraphQL API:

Your infrastructure
Your GraphQL API

Clients send s to your 's public endpoint, instead of sending them directly to your API. This way, you can later add more APIs to your , and clients can query data from all of them with a single request to the :

Your infrastructure
Subgraph A
Subgraph B

With this architecture (also known as Apollo Federation), each of your individual GraphQL APIs is known as a subgraph. Your takes care of executing each incoming client across the appropriate combination of s, and then it merges responses into a single response for the client.

Initializing your router

Your is provisioned automatically whenever you create a cloud in Studio, or whenever you create a new variant for an existing cloud . Each has its own distinct .

When you first create your , the provisioning process can take a few minutes. If this process hasn't completed yet for a particular , an INITIATING ENDPOINT label is shown at the top of the 's page in Studio:

Label in Studio indicating a router hasn't finished provisioning

Configuring your router

See Configuring cloud routing.

Cloud launches

Publishing a new or editing your 's configuration triggers a new launch. Every launch automatically deploys new instances for your .

A deployment might fail due to a platform incident or composition issues. To resolve this, try republishing your .

Automatic deletion of unused routers

Apollo automatically deletes variants of Serverless cloud supergraphs that receive zero operations for 60 consecutive days. This deletes the , along with all of the 's historical metrics.

  • Apollo will notify you via email whenever a Serverless is approaching this 60-day limit.
  • To prevent deletion, execute at least one GraphQL on the 's before the 60-day limit.

Cloud routing FAQ

What happens if my cloud router goes down?

If your 's cloud goes down, queries sent to it will fail until service is restored. However, every cloud has redundant machines in place to help prevent this.

How is my data protected with cloud routing?

The entire platform (including its cloud routing infrastructure) is SOC 2 Type 2 certified. Secrets are encrypted both in transit and at rest, and they are available only inside the runtime environment where users have total control over when those secrets are resolved in configuration.

The Apollo (the underlying technology for cloud routing) has been tested and audited by Doyensec, with no issues.

How are cloud routers hosted?

Apollo works with major public cloud providers to deliver cloud routing.

Which regions are available for cloud routers?

Cloud routing is available in Chicago, USA. Our infrastructure has interconnects with major public cloud providers, so latency is minimal. For example, latency between Chicago and AWS in Virginia is approximately 10ms.

We're actively working to add support for more regions. If there's a specific region you'd like us to support please request a region.

Can I choose my cloud router's region?

Not yet, but we're working to make additional regions available. If there's a region you'd like to see supported, let us know.

Will cloud routing support multi-region and/or edge caching?

Our goal with cloud routing is to deliver global, industry-leading graph performance. Routing infrastructure is hosted in one region with plans to expand globally and add caching support in 2023.

Does GraphOS also host my individual subgraphs?

No. only hosts the runtime for your 's cloud . GraphQL servers for your individual s are still hosted in your infrastructure.

Which GraphQL server libraries are compatible with cloud routers?

Cloud s use Apollo Federation 2 for their core architecture. Many GraphQL server libraries support Federation 2.

Your GraphQL API does not already need to be using Apollo Federation to add it to a cloud .

Supergraph-specific Studio features
Configuring cloud routing
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